User Segmentation

Filter your users to target a segment based on a variety of parameters

Tooltip Support
Written by Tooltip SupportLast update 4 years ago


Best campaigns are personalized to fit the traits and interests of the audience. Use our Segmentation settings to tailor your campaigns to the right user segment. To enable user segmentation head to Settings > Segmentation and flip the switch to limit campaign playback to User segment. Then select the criteria for this segment. 

Depending on the situation you may want to target users that meet all of the criteria you set, or any of them.


Target users that access your site from a particular geographic location (based on IP address). You can select a specific country, region or city.  


Target users based on cookies in their browser. Most sites use cookies to identify returning users or save their browsing preferences. A cookie consists of a name, for example "subscription" and a value, for example "true". You can address users based on the cookies they have stored (or lack thereof), as well as their values.


Target users based on language settings of their browser. Useful for addressing users in multilingual locations, like French speaking Quebec in Canada. That way you can create a campaign in for users from Canada, whose browsers are set to display in French.


Target users based on the web address from where they arrived to your site. Useful for creating seamless experiences for users that may come from your Google ad or a Facebook post.


Target users based on their activity on your site. Address brand new visitors or users you have not seen for a while. This setting uses cookies set by Tooltip and may not be fully reliable, for example for users that switch devices or existing users before Tooltip was running on your site.


Similarly to User activity, target users based on whether they're new to your site or have been here before. This setting uses cookies set by Tooltip and may not be fully reliable, for example for users that switch devices or existing users before Tooltip was running on your site.


This option requires use of our API and allows you to send custom user attributes to Tooltip. This way you can create most accurate targeting based on attributes you track natively. For example, address users that have made over 5 purchases this year.

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